Charles Seguin, Pennsylvania State University
David Rigby, University of North Carolina
Historians are increasingly studying lynching outside of the American Southeast, but sociologists have been slow to follow. We introduce a new public dataset, which extends existing data on lynching victims to cover the contiguous United States from 1883-1941. These data confirm that lynching was a heterogeneous practice across the US. We differentiate between three different regimes over this period: a Wild West regime, characterized mostly by the lynching of whites in areas with weak state penetration; a slavery regime found in former slave states, characterized mostly by the lynching of blacks; and a third minor regime characterized by the lynching of Mexican nationals mostly along the Texas-Mexico border. We also note great variability at the county level in the extent of lynching. By contrast, we find very little state-level variability in lynching once local and regional regimes are considered. We discuss the implications of local and regional heterogeneity for quantitative lynching research using these data.
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Presented in Session 245. New Data and New Perspectives on Mob Violence