Saturday, November 23 / 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Spire Parlor (Floor 6)

Session 184
Social Actors inside, outside, and in between Early Modern States

Chair: Kerice Doten-Snitker, Santa Fe Institute
Discussant: Mark Cohen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1. There Are 32 Kinds of People: The Early Modern State and Its Social CategorizationsMartin Andersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

2. Imagined Society of Polish Nobility in the Early Modern Period vs. Hard NumbersPiotr Guzowski, University of Bialystok.

3. Constructing Political Order and Universal Empire in Early Modern ChinaMacabe Keliher, Southern Methodist University.

4. Agents, Double Agents or Brokers? The Changing Agency of Intermediary Tribal Groups in the Ming Empire (1368-1644)Liping Wang, University of Hong Kong; Geng Tian, Peking University.

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 Other sessions on States and Society