Friday, November 22 / 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM Montrose 4 (Floor 7)

Session 155
Policing in Chicago: Big Data and Racialized Surveillance

Chair: Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz, Northwestern University
Discussant: Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz, Northwestern University

1. Racialized Surveillance and Predictive PolicingSage Kim, University of Illinois at Chicago.

2. Neoliberal Sanctuary and Punitive ExceptionalismEnrique Alvear, University of Illinois at Chicago.

3. Chicago Campaign to #ErasethedatabaseJanaé Bonsu, University of Illinois at Chicago.

4. Fugitive Life and DeathHaley Volpintesta, University of Illinois at Chicago.

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 Other sessions on Crime, Justice and the Law