Friday, November 22 / 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM LaSalle 5 (Floor 7)

Session 153
Effects of Migration Regulation and Restriction

Chair: Madeline Hsu, University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Madeline Hsu, University of Texas at Austin

1. The Effect of Immigration on the Economy: Lessons from Closing the Border in the 1920sRan Abramitzky, Stanford University; Philipp Ager, University of Southern Denmark; Leah Boustan, Princeton University; Elior Cohen, University of California, Los Angeles; Casper Worm Hansen, University of Copenhagen.

2. Unrestricted Immigration and the Dominance of Immigrant Family Members of United States Nobel Prize Winners in Science: Irrefutable Data and Exemplary Family NarrativesAndrew A. Beveridge, Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY) and Social Explorer; Lynn Lynn Caporale , Strategic Scientific Advisor and Author.

3. Internal Borders: Migration Regulation in Soviet-Era MoscowJeffrey Bilik, University of Michigan.

4. Mobility Effects of Immigration Restriction: Evidence from Chinese ExclusionHannah Postel, Duke University.

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