Friday, November 22 / 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM Clark 5 (Floor 7)

Session 147
Marriage Patterns around the World

Chair: Mary Jo Maynes, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Katherine Lynch, Carnegie Mellon University

1. Kept in the Family: Remarriage, Siblings, and Consanguinity in the Netherlands 1812 - 1927Ingrid K van Dijk, Lund University; Jan Kok, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

2. Marriage, Fertility, and Child Mortality before the Demographic Transition: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century EgyptMohamed Saleh, Toulouse School of Economics; Claire Galez-Davis, Toulouse School of Economics.

3. Married Women and Children Listed as Head of Household? Marriage and Household in Early Modern Kyoto ReconsideredMary Louise P Nagata, EHESS/CRH.

4. Changing Marriage and Inheritance Patterns in Medieval JapanEthan Segal, Michigan State University.

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 Other sessions on Family Demography