Friday, November 22 / 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Spire Parlor (Floor 6)

Session 130
Author-Meets-Critics: Leftism Reinvented: Western Parties from Socialism to Neoliberalism, by Stephanie L. Mudge (2018, Harvard University Press)

Chair: Ann Orloff, Northwestern University
Discussant: Ann Orloff, Northwestern University

1. Leftism Reinvented: Western Parties from Socialism to NeoliberalismStephanie L. Mudge, University of California, Davis.

2. Cedric de Leon, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

3. Heidi vad Jønsson, University of Southern Denmark.

4. Ann Orloff, Northwestern University.

5. Daniel Schlozman, Johns Hopkins University.

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