Friday, November 22 / 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Burnham 2 (Floor 7)

Session 108
Parties & Coalitions in US Politics

Chair: Tim Thurber, Virginia Commonwealth University
Discussant: Daniel Schlozman, Johns Hopkins University

1. Rethinking Political Polarization and the Making of Partisan AmericaColin P. Arnold, University of Virginia.

2. Equally Free or Free to Be Unequal? Uses of Equality and Freedom in American PoliticsHeather Harper, University of California, San Diego.

3. Parties and Political Careers in New York, 1777-1821Benjamin Rohr, University of Mannheim; Marissa Combs, Harvard University.

4. The Politics of Empire: Domestic Contestation and the Struggle over American Foreign PolicyOri Tamir, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

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