Friday, November 22 / 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Dearborn 1 (Floor 7)

Session 102
The Boundaries of Class: Where Proletarians and Bourgeoisie Meet

Chair: Rudi Batzell, Lake Forest College
Discussant: Rudi Batzell, Lake Forest College

1. The Invented Average: University Graduates as the Middle Class in Interwar JapanJamyung Choi, Sungkyunkwan University.

2. The Ladies Auxiliary and the Function of Social Organizing in the Rural Working Class during the Post-World War II PeriodCoreen Derifield, East Central College.

3. Making Ends Meet: Clerical Workers, Consumption, and Class Location in the 1920sPaul Taillon, University of Auckland.

4. Alienation of the White-Collar? Quality of Work Life of Elite Business Professionals in Contemporary TurkeyMustafa Yavas, Johns Hopkins University.

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