Gianluca Russo, PhD Candidate, Economics Department, Boston University
Do mass media increase nation building or do they spur regional differentiation? Did cultural transformations occur through assimilation? I leverage the expansion of radio broadcasting during the Golden Age of Radio to identify the impact of mass media on cultural homogenization. To do so, I compile a new dataset linking the universe of transmitting stations to the full count census. Broadcasting data provides specifications and location for all the active radio towers between 1925 and 1940. I impute broadcast coverage with a model suitable to AM frequencies. This procedure allows me to reconstruct the list of potential radio stations available to each American household, at a given point in time. In my main analysis I construct two treatments: the total number of stations available and the number of stations part of national networks. I measure cultural trends with naming patterns for every newborn cohort in my study period. I rely on the 1930 and 1940 waves of the full count census to geolocate the newborns, extract their first names and socio-economic characteristics of their households. My hypothesis is that radio expansion had a positive impact on cultural homogenization through assimilation to more mainstream naming patterns. I examine this hypothesis exploiting exogenous variation in radio coverage induced by the interaction of environmental determinants of signal quality with towers technological improvements across time. I further investigate whether the level of assimilation was national or regional, according to the type of radio programs available in the receiving locations. I thoroughly exploit the power of the full count data by investigating important heterogeneities, such as the effect on migrant families and on communities of different religious identity.
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Presented in Session 4. Ideas, Language, and Media