Stacie Kent, Boston College
Explorations into natural objects and their “value” were long part of commercially-oriented discourses circulating through travelogues, guides, dictionaries, and government reports. A closer look at one of these natural objects circulating in and out of treaty ports in China reveals intersections in meaning-making projects that muddle, rather authorize any single claim to what a “thing” was. The object of interest — ginseng— was the site of varied social, political and economic engagements including, Chinese medicinal consumption, trans-Pacific trade, global science, and local revenue collection. This paper looks at operations that identified, named, consistently named, and ultimately quantified ginseng. The instability of ginseng across these projects invites us to consider more closely processes of abstraction and interactions with nature that contribute in key ways to the epistemological and normative horizons of capitalism and state practices shaped by it.
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Presented in Session 259. What is Critical History